We've all seen Helmut Newton's iconic image of YSL's Le Smoking : a model with slicked-black hair, cigarette clutched casually in hand, becomes a statuesque, androgonous fixture on a Parisian street. The whole look is pristinely tailored: the pants are high in the waist and wide in the leg but the blouse underneath the jacket is soft and finished at the neck by a bow. It's the epitome of feminine- meets-masculine and it's exactly where the women's tuxedo trend has returned to in 2011/2012.
What do you think of the boyfriend fashion? Do you approve girls wearing boy-ish looking clothes of like most men you think they should mainly focus on dresses and skirts and leave alone all quys apparel?
I've been always attracted by the boyfriend fashion-baggy jeans, loose shirts and sweaters, long cardigans. In a fact I even believe it is SUPER SEXY. My top favorite look of women wearing men's clothes are:
* long men's shirts used as nightwear or lounge wear
* baggy loose jeans or pants matched in casual outifts
*all kind of men's formal accessories in lady's office wear like ties, suspenders, bow ties, collars, etc.
Obviously the designers follow that opinion as well. Otherwise they wouldn't make the woman tuxedo on of the leading trends for this fall. And we don't love that tendency only for seeing it often on the runaways but mainly because we rerely notice any new trends anymore. Most of them are transferred from other seasons of years. It's like there is nothing new of different under the sun, all is already invented so let's mix it a little. The woman tuxedo is a different story- we haven't seen it before this season collections. At least not that heavy infuencing almost every designer. So I would say- rock the trend!!! Girls dressed as boys, especially in tighter clothes, are SEXY. Wear if for parties and holiday celebrations, every time you feel like making a statement and standing out.
Dress like man act like a lady !
*** Up next post KISSES DOLLS! ***
kako ja volim ovaj klasičan stil, doduše bez mašni i sličnog oko vrata, iako fino izgleda... savršenstvo za sva vremena:)
ОдговориИзбришиtačno znam na šta misliš, i meni je prvo bila antipatična,ali se to promenilo pa mi je sad baš super. a rosi, ona je ipak više riba da se tako izrazim dok me karli nekako podseća na kalinu kovačević, ima mi to nešto aristokratsko(dobro ne u ovom editorijalu nego inače)
ОдговориИзбришиObozavam crno-bele kombinacije, klasika, elegancija, prefinjenost! :)
ОдговориИзбришиBas mi je drago sto si razumela moj komentar sto se tice Karlie!!! Jeste dosta podseca na Kalinu...Opet, ima duge noge i to mi je to, lepotu nekako obicnu ima! Ovaj NY editorijal mi je odlican, street look! :)
I don't like this trend a lot, hower I do have some of these pieces such as tha zara jacket but I am always mixing it with more feminine things!
ОдговориИзбришиiz deckovog ormana kradem sve sto se ukrasti moze :)obozavam da sve to mixujem sa mojiom garderobom....
ОдговориИзбришиJa obožavam ovaj boyish fazon!
ОдговориИзбришиinspiring post!love your blog!Follow each other?
Great blog. I´ll follow
fantastic inspiration!
ОдговориИзбришиOvoj je skroz moj stil, obožavam!!
super mi je ovo, pogotovo look na prvoj slici :)