What do you think about the idea to disuss the top 10 fashions that survived the test of time? I came up with my all time favorite pieces of clothing, shoes, accessories and jewelry but wolud be happy to hear yours! So here they are:
MISS LITTLE BLACK DRESS- It all started with Coco Chanel and today, more than 90 years later, we are still rocking it for all kind of formal and informal events, cocktail parties, dinners, receptions, etc. All you need some killer heels and a good mode.
CROP TOPS- I don't know who started those but today we still love them no matter if showing some tight belly or matching it with cute bra underneath.
HIGH WAIST PANTS, SKIRTS, SHORTS AND DRESSES- This is the ultimate retro apparel but I don't think it will ever go out of fashion. There is nothing classier and sexier that high waist skirt or shorts.
MAXI DRESSES- Definitely ladies favorite. I love them expecially in the summer time.
SCARF- You can wear a scarf with any outfit, during any season, in any number of variations and for any darn old reason you choose. Scarves make fashion statements all by themselves.
PUMPS- In all their variations they are here to stay for a loooooooooong time!!!
CLASSY PEARLS- I don't care how vintage you think they are, a pearl necklace will always look classy with a beautiful dress. So, yes, you may take them out of your grandmother's jewelry box.
JEANS- Is there anyone out there who doesn't wear them at least once a week? And it has been that way for ages.
TRENCH COATS- First appeared on the scene in the early 1900's and has never gone out of style. You can choose a classic trench or go for some of the newer styles and chic colors. Don't be afraid to dress your trench up with great pair of jeans and even an enticing pair of pumps or boots.
FLOWER PRINTS- my favorite this summer-spring trend! They are seen in every cut, shape and form. Indeed, this trend has brought out the fun in the sun.
Odlična ideja za post...i imamo isti cvetni kombinezon :)
ОдговориИзбришиObozavam taj kombinezon, celo leto nisam izlazila iz njega :D
ИзбришиI love all of these essentials and i have them all more aor less! You look great with your scarves and that maxidress you are wearing is fabulous!!!!
ОдговориИзбришиThnx dear! Kisses! :)
ИзбришиGreat post, very interesting..
U ovom crno bijelom outfitu s kratkim hlačicama si mi baš bomba!
ОдговориИзбришиOstali su isto predivni..
Nice boobs ;)
Hvala draga hahah! cmok!
Избришиamazing post!I follow you! :)
ОдговориИзбришиCome and win a LOVE dress
Thnx! :)
Избришиmala crna haljina :)
ИзбришиVogue majica <3
ОдговориИзбришиNajdraza mi je <3
ИзбришиTako puno super stvari u jednom postu...uglavnom super si pokuplia trendove i kombinirala ih u svojim outfitima! <3
ОдговориИзбришиHvala dragi <3
Избришиgreat and completed post dear!!
ОдговориИзбришиkisses pretty=)
Thnx dear :*
Избришиsvidja mi se izbor..i tvoje fotke istog!
ОдговориИзбришиHvala lepa! :)
ИзбришиSuper slike i kombinacije! Lep blog. :)
ОдговориИзбришиHvala ti! :)
ИзбришиI love your style! Just LOVE LOVE LOVE it!
ОдговориИзбришиCome visit my blog : www.sweetsurrenderart.com
See you there!
Thnx! :) I visited, follow you ;)
ИзбришиFavorit mi je naravno mala crna haljina :)
ОдговориИзбришиNezamenljiva! :)
ИзбришиKoliko lepih slika i stilova, odlican post! Omiljene su mi ove tvoje, u cvetnoj haljinici i u Vogue t-shirt-u!:)
ОдговориИзбришиHvala! :)
ИзбришиMeni omiljena Vogue majica! :)
Svaki ovaj trend je fenomenalan i svaka propratna slika odlicna, ali one koje su na mene ostavile najveci utisak prilikom razgledanja su tvoje slike!! Draga moja svaki trend ti savrseno stoji i umes sve da ispratis odlicno!;)
ОдговориИзбришиPoljupci iz Atine!!:)
HVala draga moja!!! Uzivaj u Atini!
ИзбришиLjubim te puno**
crno ide na apsolutno sve, floral print mi je najdraži uzorak, najradije bih cijelu sobu izlijepila s njim :D
ОдговориИзбришиI ja! :)
ИзбришиGreat Inspiration Post.
ОдговориИзбришиLove S.
Naravno :)
ОдговориИзбришиOdlican izbor fotografija, bas inspirativne !:)Posebno bih izdvojila tvoju fotografiju sa kucom, haljina je predobra i super ti stoji !:)
ОдговориИзбришиHvala draga i meni je ta omiljena maxi dress! :)
ИзбришиBeautiful inspirational pictures!
ОдговориИзбришиLovely Idea