31. 8. 2012.

Goodbye August…Hello September!

  August has been a short month for me. I started the month with a bang! August, you’re always a month I’m happy to see go, although you have been much more bearable this year, on the whole. 
I had the best summer holiday ever!

What's important is taking care of myself so I can be there to care for others in my life. That means I have to do  exercise to help relieve stress and decrease my chances of heart disease. It's getting back up again and moving forward. Even if that movement is just baby steps, even if those steps are on your toes...I can do it!

 It's a new month with new challenges. Hello new fashion trends! Hello wedding season (I have two weddings in September), hello breezy nights and new hair. Bedtime reading and hot coffee on walks. Hello routines, hardwork, applications and saying yes instead of no. Pleased to meet you, sketchbooks, zines. Hello movies on couches and library dates. Writing letters and pushing send. 
You shall be the best one yet!


Zara dresses for my older sister`s wedding in September.

I choose red, my fav color! ;) WHAT DO YOU THINK?

                                                                  before maniqure

after maniqure

there is nothing better than delicious snack with mom

Everything good about me, came from my mom. If I can be half the mother that she is, I will consider motherhood a success.

Two loves: baby niece JANA and dog LARA

Best friends from childhood

magnet that I bought in Greece  ;)

Up next post

27 коментара:

  1. Crvena haljina ti predobro stoji, lijepe fotke :)

  2. Prelepo izgledas!
    Jel to tvoje bebče?
    Reci mi gde si uzela haljinu? Mnogo ke lepa!

    1. Hvala Lili. :)
      Nijee, pise da mi je sestricina a haljinu sam kupila u Zari pre nekih nedelju dana! :)*

  3. Crvena haljina je predobra! Svidjaju mi se jako fotke sa letovanja. :) Ovaj beli top sto imas na prvim fotkama, cini mi se da sam videla da je diy? Kako si ga napravila? :)

    1. Hvala Mico! :)
      Jeste DIY, jako prosto za 20min je bio gotovo... Imam vec isti takav top iz pikoksa, pa po uzoru njega, kao topic obican, kupila sam belu mokrla likra i ovaj narandzasti cvetic u pozamanteriji samo stavila jer imam vec donji deo u naradzasto beloj boji pa mi taman isaplo komplet! :)

  4. Super slike. Nadam se da ce nam i Septembar biti lep.

  5. Jupi septembar!
    Jana je ljubav!
    Super ti stoji haljina!

  6. super ti stoji haljina, divna je :)
    super slike. :)

  7. Morske slicice su ti savrsene, hoce ih biti jos? :)))
    A crvena haljina ti je pun pogodak! Mada tebi sve super stoji! :D

  8. Aw great post, sweetheart! Very inspiring and all the pics are stunning! Thanks for shearing and... happy September! :D If you get a second, I'd love to hear your thoughts about my latest post :)


  9. Neee mrzim septembar podseca me na period kad sam kretala u skolu, a i leto se zavrsava :(
    Nego, lepe su ti slike. Haljina je savrsena. Svidja mi se ova sljokicasta jaknica<3

  10. Lovely photos! and those dresses are so pretty! <3 Anyway, thanks for dropping by my blog! Followed you! Hope you follow mine as well :)

    XO, Mish

  11. Divne slike, a crvena haljinica ti mnogo lepo stoji! :) ♥

  12. Hahahha, ali poslednja slika, tj. magnet je najjaci! :)))
    That's my career, too :)
    Bas mi se svidja crvena haljinica, i da znas da sam i ja planirala takvu da kupim... Divna si, divne fotke, divno je sve, prosto zavoleh septembar posle ovog tvog posta :))


Thank you♥ for sharing your opinions with me. I really DO appreciate ALL comments.
