19. 12. 2011.

New Year's Eve : Peace, wish, magic!

If I could go back in time and fix all the mistakes I made, I wouldn't because it has made me who
I 'm today. Half of life is fucking up, the other half is dealing with it.
A brand new year is here, another year filled with expectations, resolutions and fears. A year that will disapoint many, surprise some and make a few really happy. Sometimes the littlest thing in life change something forever and there will be times when you wish you can go back to how things used to be but you just can't because things have changed so much. I'm not quite sure how to sum up 2011 in words. I guess, at the root, it was a year full of learning.

 '' Sometimes we need to stop analyzing the past, stop planning the future, stop figuring out precisely how we feel, stop deciding exactly what we want  and just see what happens ''

Here's to the days of good will,
 cold weather and warm hearts.

Dance as if no one were watching, sing as if no one were listening
and live every day as if it were your last

One of the things I love about the holiday season is seeing all of the gorgeous home decor and in Christmas time decorated trees

Party season is here!  Instead of going out and buying all new stuff to wear on New Year’s Eve, you can  just repurpose the stuff  you already have in your closet for a chic outfit.  So...Think simple, be chic and have fun with fashion....  This is my suggestions :

Nothing compares to red lipstick if you want to impress 

sexy little black never goes out of style


pay attention to details they can make a huge difference


Cling to your imperfections, they are what make you UNIQUE.



21 коментар:

  1. Kada bih mogla da dobijem sve iz tvog posta(ukljucujuci i divnog retrivera), onda bi to bili zaista savrseni praznici! Salu na stranu, iako ne volimhladnocu, ugreju me sva ta svetla, kolaci, ukasi i osmesi kojenovogodisnji praznici donose! Divnee slike!:)

  2. Miss Ambrossio objasnila as usual :)

  3. divni novogodisnji fotosi,masna koja grli zgradu, ljubav, a i retriver u lampicama...ma da se istopis! :)
    zlatni karmin...oh da! daj sve! :) :*

  4. Odlične slike, mnogo se dobrih ideja može ovde naći :)

  5. Ja se nadam da ce ti 2012 godina biti jedna od najlepsih u zivotu ali polako ima vremena do 31-og da ti pozelim sve detaljno!;) Predivne su slicice, veoma glam & fab!:) I naravno nasa nezaobilazna lepotica Alessandra!;) cmok
    Jelena (glamfabchameleon.blogspot.com)

  6. Kucov mi je najsladji <3

    Inace, sve fotke su super :)
    Dobro jutro i pozz :D

  7. The dogs are so sweet)

  8. obozavam bozicne praznike! sve su slike super, al stikle su mi naj :)

  9. Ico, diiiivan post... Dok sam citala onaj tekst malo je falilo da se rasplacem. Nesto sam bas emotivna ovih dana :D
    Ali, superiska je sve! :)))
    xoxo, S!

  10. Slika br.5 je taaako romanticna :) Divan post, a posto vidim da volis i Alessandru, Izu i ostale VS Andjele post je jos bolji :)

  11. Hvala puno devojke! Veliki poljubac za sve :* :)

  12. Fotke s počeka posla su odlične, a ni ostale ne zaostaju! :)


  13. pazi ga kako se upleo u lampice :) mnogo sladak post, mada na mene još uvek ne deluje ta novogodišnja euforija...

  14. Predivne slike, jos divniji komentari ispod slika. :)
    Svidja mi se tvoj izbor cipela i haljina a i tasni, ma sve je savrseno. :))

  15. ovako,hocu":crnu haljinu sa resama,cipele crne od perja i taj crni korset sa nitnicama!!


Thank you♥ for sharing your opinions with me. I really DO appreciate ALL comments.
